Monday 13 July 2015

Breakfast in bed

They say "the easiest way to your man's heart is through his stomach". An easy and quick breakfast meal while his still dreaming about you in the morning is to prepare something that will give him some energy to start of his day with a full stomach. Nothing hectic and nothing that will consume your time. 

Easy,simple and 4 words.
  • Eggs
  • Chakalaka
  • Boer wors
Ladies do not just leave the food on the kitchen counter for him to get them there when he wakes up, take them to your room, kiss him good morning and serve your man. Trust me you will get all his attention after that. 


You know what makes me happy about being home. Waking up to a bowl covered with a blanket, and guess what the excitement is, my mom is preparing dumpling for our Sunday lunch. Nothing beats warm, sweet and delicious dumpling on a Sunday afternoon.
The recipe for dumpling:
 Serves 5-6 people

575ml (2¼ cup) cake flour
250ml (1 cup) warm water
5ml (1tsp) instant dry yeast
5ml salt
10ml (2 tsp) sugar

Step by step guide:
  1. Sift all the dry ingredients into a bowl.
  2. Add water and knead.  Do not add more water if it looks dry, just continue kneading until combined.
  3. Cover the dough and let it rest at a warm place for about 30-45 minutes.
  4. Make round balls the size of a golf ball.

Leave it on the stove for 2-3 hours. To make sure that it is properly cooked inside, use a fork and press the inside of the dumpling. Easy, try it and enjoy your beautiful Sunday. 
Remember to add some vegetables, beef stew or lamb stew to make the perfect Sunday lunch for you and your family.