Monday 14 September 2015

A healthy lifestyle

(Dr. Robert Axelrad, 2013)
It is difficult to have a healthy lifestyle, if you are surrounded by people who love their food.
Oily food fatty food might seem as an option when you still young, but think about the future.
When you are in your early 20s and you want a sexy bikini body but all the oily food never gave you a chance.
People should start to consider how they would like to look in 5-6 years down the line
Eating healthy food does not stop you from any delicious meals; you cans still have your delicious foods that are healthy and not oily.
Eat your vegetables; drink a lot of water and most important exercise regularly.

Here are my healthy food alphabets:

A=Apple  B= Broccoli  C=Carrot  D= Diet  E=Eggs  F= Falafel  G=Grapes   H= Hotcakes   I= Iceberg lettuces   J=Juice K=Kale  L=Lettuce  M=Muffins  N=Nuts  O=Orange P=Pineapple  Q=Quince  R=Rice  S=Strawberry  T= Tomato U=unsaturated fats  V=Veggie burgers  W=waffle  X=xanthan Y= yum   Z=zucchini

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